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In order to get support, or report an issue on this forum, please follow a few rules below when creating a new topic in the "Q4OS Support" section.
Please provide the following info:
- Installation media image file, or a method, you have used for system installation.
- Desktop environment (Plasma, Trinity, ... other).
- Desktop software profile applied, using the Desktop profiler tool (Full, Basic, Pure, Custom).
- A brief description and steps to reproduce the issue.
- Screenshots, if possible.
In most cases it's helpful to get some relevant debug information from your system for us to be able properly investigate an issue. Please run in terminal:
$ reportq4
and send the debug file generated via email , or attach it here for us to analyze.
If you report a hardware related issue, please run in terminal:
$ inxi -Fxxx
and post back the terminal output.
Last edited by q4osteam (2024-12-22 16:28)
All good stuff, but I wonder if it would be more effective as a 'Sticky' post at the top of the Support forum which is where most folks seem to go first?
Is it now possible for new users to post attachments immediately?
Thats what I do on other forums bin and it really helps.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Inspiron 3670 i5 8600, GTX 1660 Super, 32gb, 2tb NVME SSD
It would be more effective as a 'Sticky' post at the top of the Support forum...
I agree 100%.
OP has been updated.
If you report a hardware related issue, please run in terminal:
$ inxi -F
and post back the terminal output.
Dear Q4OSTeam, please update the first post by changing $ inxi -F to $ inxi -Fxxx, because inxi -F does not provide all information about hardware. But inxi -Fxxx even gives Chip ID!
Before asking for help please read this topic: If you have problems with WiFi network, try to install the Network Manager using Q4OS Software Centre.
Updated, thanks
Just turned it on. It says "booting Q4OS 4.13 Gemini"
Loading Q4OS operating system...
Loading initial ramdisk...
and it just blinks at me!
Shall I just throw the Netbook away?
q4os-4.13.2-n1-i386-on Asus Netbook 1011PX Atom N455 (2011) 2Gb RAM 240Gb SSD
I suggest you to open a new thread in the "Q4OS support" section with an appropriate title.
And, please, explain there what is "and it just blinks at me" (my native language is not English), thanks
Q4OS machine: Samsung R519 - Pentium T4200 2.0 GHz - 4 GB RAM - 500 GB SSD
He had a thread in the support forum hchiper and the devs seem to have solved his issue this morning.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Inspiron 3670 i5 8600, GTX 1660 Super, 32gb, 2tb NVME SSD
IMHO, this should be made sticky in the "Support" forum...
Totally agree Midas.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Inspiron 3670 i5 8600, GTX 1660 Super, 32gb, 2tb NVME SSD