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Q4OS imager is a tool for creating Q4OS Live bootable USB. The application enables downloading Q4OS installation and live media images and creating bootable USB in an easy way.
Installation from repositories:
$ sudo apt install q4os-imager
Download testing version for Windows: …
Q4OS imager is derived from Raspberry Pi imager application.
Last edited by q4osteam (2024-12-22 16:24)
Very good tool. I've remarked it by testing the r4 version of Aquarius, installing the Desktop flavour. Selected the Gemini Plasma Live image with usb-stick and all goes fine. Screenshot shows german language and says "SD-Karte" (SD-card). But an usb-stick is also functional. Proposal, "SD-Karte/USB-Stick" and for the button "Medium wählen".
New testing version for Windows has been released, download …
We plan to sign Q4OS imager for Windows with a dedicated signature, so the application will not show security confirmation dialogues.
I tried Imager for the first time today, and got a stroppy note saying that it couldn't open /dev/sda.
I then went old-school and typed the classic command into the terminal:
sudo dd bs=4M if=/home/yrmomma/Downloads/q4os-5.7-x64.r1.iso of=/dev/sda status=progress oflag=sync
Worked first time. Readers can draw their own conclusions.
What system did you run the imager on ?
I tried Imager for the first time today, and got a stroppy note saying that it couldn't open /dev/sda.
You may need to unmount the drive first.
sudo dd bs=4M if=/home/yrmomma/Downloads/q4os-5.7-x64.r1.iso of=/dev/sda status=progress oflag=sync
You can do that easier way:
$ sudo cp bootable.iso /dev/sdx
Don't do that on a mounted drive.
Last edited by q4osteam (2024-11-29 16:22)
sudo apt install q4os-imager --> E: Unable to locate package q4os-imager
* Thats on PopOs btw, not arch