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How can I turn off tap to click, I found a command line argument but is not persistant after re-boot, can someone point me to a config file please.
Global config file:
If you want to set it per user basis, please first read . You will need to run the command on session start, please see
And if anyone uses Scorpion you can edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/60-libinput.conf and change the line
Option "Tapping" "true"
to read
Option "Tapping" "false"
and remember this is a global setting (affecting all users).
Thanks for the quick replies, I must say that q4os is very nice, I have been using lubuntu on a very old flybook, which after the latest updates ran very hot, system load was high on tickover, I tried the live version of q4os and it ran a lot cooler so did a full install, even replacing my beloved puppy, I have now done a full install on an old tosh portege, runs like a dream, so I donated because I am so pleased with q4os, I may even replace mint on the thinkpad.
Thanks again.
Pages: 1