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Hello to All
I'm new to Q4OS. I just did a fresh install on a old Via EPIA pc all went well but the Profiler fails error 30 saying no internet link.
In a terminal window I was able to do apt update and upgrade and both worked confirming that I am connected to the internet.
Also connected with an Ethernet cable not wifi.
The ISO I used for the install was q4os-3.14-i386-instcd.r4.iso and I chose the auto install.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
EDIT by Admin:
This report has been registered at the official bug tracker
Last edited by q4osteam (2021-04-16 09:55)
We are not able to reproduce the issue. Please run in terminal:
$ wget -T30 -t2 -P/tmp/
and post output of the command here.
Hi Thankyou so much for the quick reply
Here it is
You can get "Unable to establish SSL connection" from wget if you're behind a proxy and don't have HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables set correctly. Make sure to set HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY to point to your proxy.
sorry I am new to linux
How do I do the Proxy ?
If you can give me the exact commands that would be great!
Thank you
Strange I use the web browser and I can get to websites including Q4OS. So I do have connectivity to the internet.
I'm going to google Proxies and bone up.
any other clues
Thank you
The "wget" command should work out of the box. If not so, that looks like your network utilize a proxy server. Please try to run in terminal:
$ export http_proxy=http://proxy_host:proxy_port
$ wget -T30 -t2 -P/tmp/
$ wget
and post back
I probably do not understand something. Profile selection should be after loading Q4os. Why then do we see Windows Powershell on the screen in post #3?
Hi q4osteam
Here it is.
I am logging in remotely from my W10 PC using the power shell so I can do a screen capture with snipit tool
Is that ok ?
Hi Aluma
If I do it directly at the computer then I would have to take a pic then copy it to my windows pc
Doing it remotely helps out with screen capture
Yes, SSH access is ok. Nonetheless, you need to substitute "http://proxy_host:proxy_port" with your real proxy settings and run commands above again. If you are not behind a proxy, just run:
$ wget
and post back.
Hi q4osteam
How do I find out my real proxy settings?
But I've included a pic to see if it gives you any valuable info.
When I use the web browser I can get to q4os web site (
and also google (
I'm not sure if this gives you any valuable info in regards to https & http ?
I just don't know how to find out my proxy settings
echo 'https_proxy' & echo 'http_proxy' return nothing, not sure what that means
Thank you
Hi macg143
On my lenovo s205 q4os-3.14-i386-instcd.r2.iso installed without problems. If your computer can be booted from a USB stick, try the live q4os-2.7-i686pae.r5.iso (
New releases usually have more uncorrected bugs.
Hi aluma
thankyou so much I will try it!
Hi aluma
I tried installing q4os-2.7-i686pae.r5 and same results
when I try to do the desktop profiler it says error:30 no internet link but I can open up the web browser and go to q4os and google websites fine! strange
Thanks at least it was something to try!
I don't understand how I can go to the websites but when I try to do the desktop profiler q4os thinks i have no internet!
have a great day
The issue comes from the "wget" command. Q4OS tools use "wget" to check for the Internet access. Unfortunately, we are not able to reproduce and so fully investigate the issue. That looks like it's somehow specific to your hardware, network, or geo-location. Please try to run:
$ wget
$ wget
$ sudo wget
and post back. Anyway thanks for reporting, we will try to reproduce and investigate the issue and post back as soon as some new information emerge. Anyone else noticed similar issue ?
Hi q4osteam
Here it is
thank you
Thanks, it would be helpful, if you would run the "wget" command once again with debug information output enabled:
$ ( wget -d 2>&1 ) > /tmp/wget.log
and attach the generated file "/tmp/wget.log" here, click Post reply > Choose file button
One more test would be to try wget with encrypted "https" protocol:
$ wget
and with plain "http" protocol
$ wget
Last edited by q4osteam (2021-04-11 23:05)
Hi q4os team
Here's a pic
Not sure of the wget.log file command, it would never return to the prompt, I had to control C it to get the prompt back.
Not sure of the syntax of the command
thank you
Hi q4osteam
Here's a pic of a cat of the wget.log file, don't know how to get it on my pc
thanks you
Hi q4osteam
I was able to get it on a usb in linux and then move it to the pc
thank you
Anyone else noticed similar issue ?
Not quite in the subject ...
This is live slax-32bit-9.11.0.iso, similar issue. On the same computer Q4os (32 and 64-bit) releases work Ok.
Last edited by aluma (2021-04-14 16:25)
I found this in tips and tutorials but am now sure what it means!
We are still not able to reproduce the issue, "wget" works fine here and there. Maybe your router, or Internet provider, blocks the wget requests somehow. It would be helpful, if you would connect your computer to an independent Internet connection off of your router, for example via a mobile network and test "wget" again:
$ wget
Another valuable try would be Q4OS installation in Virtualbox and checking wget command.