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I've installed Q4OS on an HP-Omni 100 64 bit computer.
I am having problems with Q4Wine. I installed it from the package manager. When I run it I get the following:
Cannot find or execute the 'wineserver' binary. Make sure that this binary is available by search PATH variable and see also INSTALL file for application depends.
wineserver was not found in synaptic...
looking on the internet I found several posts that say to start with:
dpkg --add-architecture i386
Is this correct or does the Q4OSteam have something better??
I have installed Wine on various Debian releases over the years and I have to say that the Q4OS dev team have done a superlative job with their installer. It does it all - even getting the menu entries to work. If you want to know why that is important just do a search for Wine Debian Menu Entries and you'll see how much pain they've saved you. Even the Debian Wine wiki just states that the installer doesn't create the menu entries - that's it.
I then normally just install Winetricks which handles the odd dll that needs adding - run 'winetricks --gui'
Q4wine does indeed throw the error you describe, but clicking OK takes you past it to the config. The error crops up because wineserver is installed in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wine/bin/wineserver rather than the expected /usr/bin
Creating a symbolic link using 'ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wine/wineserver /usr/bin/wineserver' would do the trick, or use the correct path in the Q4Wine config setup.
Since there are a few non-standard bits I'd suggest using the correct paths until it's settled down. You could then look at the relevant non standard settings and use symbolic links which would make it easier in the future as you can just create a script to set those.
Possibly this would be a good item to put up as a request to the dev team???
'q4wine' package comes from Debian repositories, so looks rather like a Debian bug. We will investigate the issue and try to fix or report to Debian bug tracker.
I also had such problem with Wine, but I thought, it was Wine bug, so I removed it and installed Crossover.
Before asking for help please read this topic: If you have problems with WiFi network, try to install the Network Manager using Q4OS Software Centre.
Following some useful results from Q4Wine I've put this list together which may help.
Configuration settings for Q4Wine
General tab
Binary - /usr/bin/wine64
Server - /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wine/bin/wineserver
Loader - /usr/bin/wine64
32 bit libs - /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu
64 bit libs - /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
System tab - these should all be detected correctly except the sudo entries
tar - /bin/tar
mount - /bin/mount
umount - /bin/umount
sudo - /opt/trinity/bin/tdesu
gui sudo - /opt/trinity/bin/tdesu
nice - /usr/bin/nice
renice - /usr/bin/renice
sh - /bin/sh
Utils - should all be auto-detected
Network - should just work if you don't use a proxy server
Quick Mount Profile - used for context menu entries - Right Click action in Q4Wine interface - still working on this.
I guess I should have posted earlier, but got busy with other things.
I did finally get Q4Wine working, after hunting and trying different files. Hopefully I got the correct ones, but since everything seems to be working I assume I'm not too far off!
At present I have kindle for pc and an older version of Microsoft Money running under wine and they seem to be working.
If I remember correctly what bin posted is about what I had done, so I would just recommend following his post.
I don't know, how can I install wine or similar... because I need "windows".
Whera can I download an image IMG, for rasp pi 3+? running?
The Software Installer will install wine and PlayonLinux for you.
Having messed around with both Q4Wine and Playonlinux I can say that generally Playonlinux does a better job of handling installations.
That does not mean that you can expect to run all windows stuff - you need to find out if your apps are supported under wine - sometimes it's just trial and error.
Hello again
I install the system, but wine does not come preinstalled, and never allows me to install it ... something is always missing or gives error, from the soft packages. That's why I wanted, if there is one, an IMG with system and wine or similar, already installed and working.
Thank you and happy holidays!
... and never allows me to install it ... something is always missing or gives error, from the soft packages.
Would you post some more detailed description and the error messages for us to be able to help you ?
We would recommend you to install Wine from the Q4OS Software Centre, it allows one to install a complete set of needed packages in an easy way.
No se pudieron instalar algunos paquetes. Esto puede significar que
usted pidió una situación imposible o, si está usando la distribución
inestable, que algunos paquetes necesarios aún no se han creado o se
han sacado de «Incoming».
La siguiente información puede ayudar a resolver la situación:
Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
q4os-wine-layer : Depende: playonlinux pero no va a instalarse
Depende: wine32 pero no es instalable
Depende: wine-binfmt pero no es instalable
Depende: zlib1g:i386 pero no es instalable
Depende: libncurses5:i386 pero no es instalable
Depende: libbz2-1.0:i386 pero no es instalable
Depende: p11-kit-modules:i386 pero no es instalable
Depende: libcups2:i386 pero no es instalable
E: No se pudieron corregir los problemas, usted ha retenido paquetes rotos.
Testing installation ... Done
Error 52%
HELP! I don't know how can I install this soft... THANKS
These steps should not be needed but I don't know which Q4OS version you are using - the errors indicate i386 architecture may not be enabled.
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
Re-run the installer in Q40S Software centre
If you are still having problems please confirm the version of Q4OS that you downloaded.
Last edited by bin (2016-12-27 08:52)
In addition to bin's advice, you could run in terminal:
$ reportq4
and attach generated 'qreport.tar.gz' debug file here to analyze.
I'm ussing raspberry pi 3B+, and I'm ussing q4os-, special raspberry... where is another img? valid for raspberry? because it's arm, no i386...
Thanks! and sorry ;-))
I'm ussing raspberry pi 3B+
Unfortunately, there is no 'Wine' implementation for ARM architecture, you cannot use it on the Raspberry Pi hardware.
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