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#1 2016-10-31 12:40

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,326

Removing Playonlinux without affecting dependencies.

I was rather disturbed to find that my latest install of Wine from Software Installer also pulled in Playonlinux.

Removal via Synaptic will also remove q4os-wine-layer. Clearly this is a dependency error.

Please can Q4OS team confirm that using 'sudo dpkg -r --force-depends playonlinux_4.2.5-1_all.deb' will remove the package in question.

Whilst I fully understand the reason why it has been included, may I respectfully request that additional packages like this be made optional please?

The previous Wine installer did a great job leaving one free to add the Wine configuration tool of choice.

Perhaps a tick box could be added to the installer indicating that Q4Wine and Playonlinux are available to assist in configuring Wine - tick which you want.....??

Thank you.


#2 2016-10-31 13:16

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,447

Re: Removing Playonlinux without affecting dependencies.

bin wrote:

Please can Q4OS team confirm that using 'sudo dpkg -r --force-depends playonlinux_4.2.5-1_all.deb' will remove the package in question.

No, you should not remove packages this way, as it would break apt packages database integrity.

bin wrote:

Whilst I fully understand the reason why it has been included, may I respectfully request that additional packages like this be made optional please? ... Perhaps a tick box could be added to the installer indicating that Q4Wine and Playonlinux are available to assist in configuring Wine - tick which you want...

Yes, the similar situation is with firefox installer and flashplayer. We have to recode the Q4OS installer to be able to handle installation options. It is just on our todo list, and both 'flashplayer' and 'playonlinux' will be sorted as optional software, as soon as installer updates are ready.

bin wrote:

The previous Wine installer did a great job leaving one free to add the Wine configuration tool of choice.

For now, you could safely ignore the playonlinux, it shouldn't influence the basic wine installation anyhow, while you don't directly ask it for. You can configure/use 'q4os-wine-layer' the same way as before. The only difficulty could be a few additional packages installed and an extra icon in the menu.


#3 2016-10-31 13:29

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,326

Re: Removing Playonlinux without affecting dependencies.

OK - thanks for the quick update.


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