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32-bit info: Bourbon /Q4OS menu type
olzeke51@scorpionq4os:~$ uname -a
Linux scorpionq4os 4.6.0-1-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 4.6.4-1 (2016-07-18) i686 GNU/Linux
Was trying to install some of the depencencies for Firefox and Wine that halted their
installation: tried to use (sudo) apt-get to install libwine-gecko - couldn't locate it
Tried to use apt-get to install wine but 'gecko wasn't listed as a dependency
I had to install the Synaptic Package Manager (only loaded the Basic Desktop Profile)
IIRC on 1.6.2 orion Basic Desktop -it reported already loaded--
When I launced it from the Software Center - the normal popup - 'Quick Introduction'
1)didn't show a checkbox in front of "Show this dialog at startup" - but mouse click showed the grapic checkmark
2) the "Close" button outline wasn't visible - but worked
3) the 'Find' window under the "Search" option - also missing button outlines
3) Chromium 53 appears to have issues with 32 bit systems (Debian) - Bug reports indicate V48 is last know working IIRC
4) Konqueror web browser (default on the desktop) had trouble getting into my Gmail account -- only tried once - hung on my password enter.
Last edited by olzeke51 (2016-09-22 01:00)
The journey is . . . the reward.
re 1,2 and 3
I have noticed this on quite a few distros that are based on debian stretch and I think it is just a testing glitch that will probably get ironed out before it gets to stable, although I haven't looked too deeply into the reasons for it happening.
Thank you for reporting.
re 1,2 and 3
I have noticed this on quite a few distros that are based on debian stretch and I think it is just a testing glitch that will probably get ironed out before it gets to stable, although I haven't looked too deeply into the reasons for it happening.
Yes, some GTK widgets suffer from this glitch.
Pages: 1