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I have added a package from the backports repository ( ffmpeg ) and would like to keep the current version but I am being given an update icon (by pk-update-icon and experimental apt-updater) I have "locked" the version in synaptic which will prevent synaptic from installing the stable version, but the normal updater ( pk-update-icon & gpk-update-viewer ) will install the stable version over the top of the wanted version. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? I do not want to use packages from the backports repository as a general preference so cannot simply give backports a higher priority, but would like this package only to be installed and kept.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
It seems a simple
sudo apt-mark hold ffmpeg
will do the trick.
Alternatively, you can create a pin to lock package version, for ex. libpulse0. Create file '/etc/apt/preferences.d/99-mypin' with content:
Package: libpulse0
Pin: version 5*
Pin-Priority: 999
It's possible to define exact package version or a 'wildcard' for ex. '5*' or '5.0.*', etc ..
Thanks guys, have created a pin file removed apt-hold and cancelled synaptic lock and all is working as it should.
Pages: 1