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Hi. Just posted this as a bug, and then found this forum. Sorry about that.
Every reference in the repos to Tbird gives us the inferior Icedove. Arrgggg!!!! I'm wondering if someone can please add Tbird to the repos, and then properly rename the Tbird entries as Icedove.
Many thanks.
Just an opinion here, but I wouldn't say icedove is inferior, it is just rebranded without mozillas copyrighted graphics, (well, near enough). But if you want the mozilla product it can be downloaded from here :- As for renaming it I cannot see any reason to do that??
If Mozilla has copyrighted its graphics, then it is NOT Linux developers fault that Thunderbird (with original interface) and Firefox are not available in Debian repositories. You can ask Mozilla to remove copyright.
Last edited by Rademes (2016-03-18 11:58)
Before asking for help please read this topic: If you have problems with WiFi network, try to install the Network Manager using Q4OS Software Centre.
There has been many debates on this issue, and Debian has stuck to it's philosophy of "free" and just rebranded firefox, although I believe recently there has been an announcement (can't remember source) saying that mozilla is either removing copyright from images or replacing with free ones. So could be that soon there will be firefox in the Debian repo's.
Icedove is always several versions behind. The last time I looked it was at v. 31. Tbird is at v. 38. And some features curiously just don't work in Icedove. I'm visually impaired, and I like to press ctrl++ to increase font size. For some reason, it does't work in Icedove.
Thanks to all for their responses.
Icedove in Q4OS is in version 38.6.0-1. It's Mozilla Thunderbird with its full functionality, there is no difference except the re-branding. Ctrl++ works fine on our testing bench, we are not able to reproduce the issue.
We will continue trying to reproduce the issue and let you know, if we will discover any findings.
Many thanks again!
I have found that the best mail server is Claws Mail. Give it a try.
Yuck. Claws is just awful. Ugly, and not nearly the functionality I enjoy in Tbird. Full calendar and contact sync, an attractive and responsive layout, etc. Thanks for the suggestion, but I've tried Claws and I just hate it.
Interesting! I had exactly the opposite problem. I couldn't get TBird or Icedove to work at all. Not sure what the issue was but I installed Clawsmail and haven't had one problem.
Never had a problem with either. Funny stuff. Well, I'm glad we've each found something we're happy with.
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