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Running the script on my system fails because it's not pulling down the data from the Papirus repo. I get the following messages:
Before running hook1_prepare_icons > working ...
Running hook: /tmp/.00_gendeb_iconsname//
Hook1 start.
* Using Papirus icons commit: "Waterleaf stable"
Before upstream copy > working ...
rsync: [sender] change_dir "/home/jaerrib/waterleaf-icon-theme/../.clone.tmp" fa
iled: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 2
3) at main.c(1338) [sender=3.2.7]
Before git checkouts > working ... 34: cd: can't cd to /tmp/.00_gendeb_iconsname//papirus-f
fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set). 36: cd: can't cd to /tmp/.00_gendeb_iconsname//papirus-i
fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
Before patch > working ... 42: cd: can't cd to /tmp/.00_gendeb_iconsname//papirus-i
can't find file to patch at input line 4
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff -uNr papirus-icon-theme.a/tools/ papirus-icon-theme.
|--- papirus-icon-theme.a/tools/ 2020-07-19 13:23:53.7806
61935 +0200
|+++ papirus-icon-theme.b/tools/ 2020-07-19 13:46:29.0000
00000 +0200
File to patch:
At this point, it asks for the file to patch, which I am assuming should have been pulled by Since there's no file, I get a prompt to skip the patch. Doing so ends up not generating anything, as would be expected.
Before result copy > working ...
rsync: [sender] link_stat "/tmp/.00_gendeb_iconsname/outicons/*" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 2 3) at main.c(1338) [sender=3.2.7]
Icon set has been generated in: "/home/jaerrib/.built1_iconset/"
Before create debfs > working ...
Input icon set missing, exiting ...
Any suggestions?
Would you attach the file "" here please ? It seems to be some older version.
Would you attach the file "" here please ? It seems to be some older version.
I checked, and the script was indeed an old version. For some reason, the copied folder I was running it from contained an older snapshot of the repo. I switched to the current development branch and tried running the generation script from there. Everything seemed to run more or less okay until I reached the end and got this:
cp: cannot stat '/tmp/.00_spliticonset_WZoLoCrOyw//in_iconset//index.theme': No such file or directory
Perform checkings ...
Moving result to the output directory and cleaning...
[E:] Error: Non-zero checklists, please check the checklists !
Completed. Filesystem has been prepared in: "/tmp/.00_gendeb_iconsname//pass2/"
Yes, the built should be okay. We are aware of these messages, they are addressed to be fixed.
Despite the error messages, the script does indeed appear to have placed the complete icon theme in tmp/.00_gendeb_iconsname/pass1/outset2. When I run dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us -tc, I get a "command not found" error though.
None of this is a big deal. As long you're able to generate and build everything on your end, the result it is the same. I was just hoping to be able to test out builds on my own. In the meantime, I'll work on some of the other issues noted on GitHub. This week is a bit chaotic though, so I may not dig into anything until the weekend.
When I run dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us -tc, I get a "command not found" error though.
You only need to install "dpkg-dev" package. The single command builds all the Waterleaf .deb packages automatically, you need prerun nothing, no script, just run:
$ dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us -tc
The build takes some time.
It would be helpful you would build .deb packages this way and post back to confirm it works on your end too.
... the script does indeed appear to have placed the complete icon theme in tmp/.00_gendeb_iconsname/pass1/outset2
It's a temporary working directory, the final result you find in "<project_dir>/../.built1_iconset"
Interestingly enough, I already had "dpkg-dev" installed so I'm not sure why it was failing. The command ran okay this time around, but I ran into an issue where the generation part of the script said my drive was out of space. While I have Q4OS installed on an old Chromebook, it doesn't look like the drive itself was filled, but I believe the tmp folder was. Does this script run on a pure Debian installation or does it require Q4OS? I can always try running it on another machine or in a VM.
Yes, the build process requires quite a bit of disk space. Have you mounted /tmp on another partition ?
Does this script run on a pure Debian installation or does it require Q4OS?
We have tested on Q4OS only. We assume running on Debian would require some changes.
Yes, the build process requires quite a bit of disk space. Have you mounted /tmp on another partition ?
Not yet. That was my next step. I'll let you know how it goes.
[EDIT] No luck there either. I mounted a dedicate tmp directory with 5 gigs of storage. Still getting the "No space left on device" error at multiple stages. For example, cp: cannot create regular file '/tmp/.00_spliticonset_Xi2U5rDZz3//in_iconset/48x48/apps/sound-recorder.svg': No space left on device. If the icons aren't even making it to the relevant folders early in the process, it would explain why there' nothing to move later on (mv: cannot stat '/tmp/.00_gendeb_iconsname//pass2/outset1': No such file or directory). Is it possible to set the script to just build a subset of the theme rather than all of the varieties? If that builds okay, then it's not the process and could just be my particular setup not being able to handle building all of them at the same time.
Last edited by Jaerrib (2025-03-27 00:47)
Still getting the "No space left on device" error at multiple stages. For example, cp: cannot create regular file '/tmp/.00_spliticonset_Xi2U5rDZz3//in_iconset/48x48/apps/sound-recorder.svg': No space left on device. If the icons aren't even making it to the relevant folders early in the process, it would explain why there' nothing to move later on (mv: cannot stat '/tmp/.00_gendeb_iconsname//pass2/outset1': No such file or directory)
If you got "No space left on device" you apparently ran out of disk space. The build process cannot complete under such conditions so that's the problem what breaks the process.
Run in terminal:
$ df -h
and post here the output to see the free space.
Is it possible to set the script to just build a subset of the theme rather than all of the varieties?
Yes, look into the debian/rules file and remove build subsections related. You need to remove a complete one to avoid build errors.
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