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#1 2025-03-17 21:58

Registered: 2025-02-07
Posts: 17

Hi, my Win 10 inspired login screen is ready, I'm looking for tester

Not quite a month ago I asked for help with the login screen. In this topic:
I've been working on it since then and I'm happy to report it's done. But I need some testers, I could integrate and test English and Hungarian languages. I would be glad if someone could help me with French, German or any other language to translate and test it accurately.

I have also uploaded the project on gihub, but I am still very new there, I don't know how to use it. It is already a great pleasure to be able to upload and write a readme file. Available here: … /tree/main

But you can also download it from my own repository:

Just some options I put in:Dual screen system
Home screen: automatic display of the time and date in the format of the system's regional settings.

Monitor icon in System Information panel. Full screen click-sensitive, click to switch to the second screen.

Round user profile pictures display default avatar picture if missing profile picture.

Display up to 5 users. 4 additional users in bottom left panel. The password entry field is slightly transparent with white in focus. "Eye" icon at the right end of the field An arrow-shaped login button at the end of the password field. Unsuccessful login is indicated by a red text message.

Icons in the bottom right corner. Monitor icon: system information panel. Keyboard icon: virtual keyboard Built-in on-screen keyboard, English, German, Hungarian language assignment. I couldn't access the virtual keyboard on my system, I had to install it first, that's why this custom keyboard was made.

Power button and menu:Supported functions: Sleep: (you need to edit the Main.qml file. If the function is available on your system, you just need to remove the "//" comment from the sddm.suspend(); line.)
Hibernate: (Optional: Edit the Main.qml file. If the function is available on the system, simply remove the "//" comment from sddm.hibernate();.
Reboot: reboots the system by default.
Shutdown: Shuts down the system by default.

Dynamic wallpaper display
Change the background image after each successful login. Currently 7 1920 x 1080 px images are built-in, but you are free to expand them. It is recommended to keep the image file size below 500 Kb

After 35 seconds of inactivity, it will automatically return to the home screen.

Multilingual interface supporting translations. Currently English and Hungarian language support. Automatically retrieves the system language settings and if there is support for the language, it will use it, in the absence of a language template, English is the default language.

Create a language file: make a copy of the en.qml file in the translations folder. Open it in a suitable editor, e.g. "Notepad++" or "Kate" etc... Then rewrite the lines that look like "virtualKeyboard" to "Virtual Keyboard", for example in French like this: "virtualKeyboard": "Clavier virtuel",

Thanks to everyone who helps.

Last edited by BalkL (2025-03-18 06:21)


#2 2025-03-19 18:51

Registered: 2025-02-07
Posts: 17

Re: Hi, my Win 10 inspired login screen is ready, I'm looking for tester

Otherwise, if everything is fine with the login screen, I wonder how to get it to be added to the new SSDM themes download.

Currently, you can only install from the .zip file, from the System Preferences, Startup and Shutdown section, by clicking the Install from file button.

In the meantime I discovered a small problem.
Once installed, the theme_state.conf file needs to have its attribute set to 666.
Because if you don't have write permission it won't replace the background images. It will always display the same.

On console I could set it like this: sudo chmod 666 /usr/share/sddm/themes/Windows10-klone/theme_state.conf
It saves the index of the wallpaper in this file, and reads it from here when loading the next image.


#3 2025-03-22 08:09

Registered: 2025-02-07
Posts: 17

Re: Hi, my Win 10 inspired login screen is ready, I'm looking for tester

This may not be a good thing, as the full writ right may cause security problems.

BalkL wrote:

In the meantime I discovered a small problem.
Once installed, the theme_state.conf file needs to have its attribute set to 666.
Because if you don't have write permission it won't replace the background images. It will always display the same.

So I have created two other solutions to change the background images.
One, it randomly changes the images every time you log in.

The other is a time-based solution, where you can set multiple time intervals.
30min, 1hour, 3hours, 6hours, 12hours, 1day, 3days, 1week, 2weeks, 1month

In the code you can change this line:
    property int selectedInterval: timeIntervals["1day"] // Write your preferred time here

The images will change in order at the intervals you set.

I added the two files to the github here: … components

And you can also download it here: …

Copy it to the components folder after downloading. Rename the previously used BackgroundManager.qml to something else.
Then rename it to BackgroundManager.qml, whichever of the two changes you want. For the time-based solution, if you want to, edit the above line to change the way you want to change the background images. If you do not edit it, the default daily change will apply.


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