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#51 2025-02-06 03:24

Registered: 2025-01-28
Posts: 54

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

Sheesh. TRYING to get Nuclear to even navigate to a location that has .m3u or .xspf stuff, but its navigational thingy won't do it. It'll only go to the "Music" or "Downloads" folders. SHEESH! Its usability is strangling. Okay, now I see it ONLY looks for .JSON files. Fuggeddaboudit -- this one's also gone.


#52 2025-02-06 03:28

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,154

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

I actually dont use music players that often and Audacious in most cases really is enough for my purposes.

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#53 2025-02-12 04:02

Registered: 2025-01-28
Posts: 54

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

crosscourt wrote:

I actually dont use music players that often and Audacious in most cases really is enough for my purposes.

So I got back into trying and working with Audacious and it's fairly usable! Granted, I had to do a lot of extra work using Cantata to find the radio stations I wanted, then make .m3u playlist files to pull them in, stumbling a few times on the @#$% syntax (some URLs must end with / and some don't). Wish it had a streams plugin with IceCast, ShoutCast, and TuneIn to find your stations -- then it would be remarkably more usable. A "favorites" stream or playlist feature also would be helpful.

It's nowhere as elegant and robust as Cantata, but it does work and even takes up less memory. Ergo, I installed it on my HP Stream 13 notebook (the one with 2 GB RAM max). Strange that its album art window doesn't work while streaming, though it does work fine when playing .mp3 files. No lyrics support that I can find or enable (then again, I already said that lyrics support in Cantata went downhill some time ago, so must be outside their control).

So thanks for mentioning it to remind me to try it again. Much better (for me) than Clementine or Strawberry.


#54 2025-02-12 05:53

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,154

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

I originally used Audacious on a really crappy system that didnt have a lot of ram and found it remarkably usable. Its my go to when I just want to sit down and quickly listen to something with no issues. Glad it worked out.

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#55 2025-02-13 16:12

Registered: 2025-01-28
Posts: 54

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

Okay, something's not right with Audacious. Left some mp3 playing on repeat overnight, played just fine. Stopped it. Just now tried to listed to a news radio stream. NO SOUND AT ALL. Switched streams, same. Restarted Audacious, same. Figured there must be an issue with the sound card or something. Started up Cantata, started playing the same news radio, and CANTATA JUST WORKS. Stopped Cantata, restarted Audacious. STILL NO SOUND. Doesn't play mp3's either, though the album art looks nice (whoop-te-doo!).

Aaaaaarrrrggggh. I don't wanna be done with Audacious, it has some good aspects, but if it's that fragile and can't play anything, it's no use to me!

EDIT: -- decided to try VLC for audio. It works, it has sound, but its interface sucks, and after loading the radios playlist and a lyrics (or album art? -- doesn't matter, didn't show up) plugin, it's taking quiiiite a bit of RAM. But the sound works. Tried cranking up Audacious again -- still no sound. SHEESH!

Last edited by Durhammer (2025-02-13 19:32)


#56 2025-02-13 20:18

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,154

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

Do you have all the plugins installed with Audacious? Is muted by accident?  Are the settings correct?  Maybe uninstall and reinstall Audacious with plugins and codecs and see if that fixes it.
Look in Audio section and set output to ALSA sound and see what happens.

Last edited by crosscourt (2025-02-13 20:51)

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#57 2025-02-13 21:25

Registered: 2025-01-28
Posts: 54

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

crosscourt wrote:

Do you have all the plugins installed with Audacious? Is muted by accident?  Are the settings correct?  Maybe uninstall and reinstall Audacious with plugins and codecs and see if that fixes it.
Look in Audio section and set output to ALSA sound and see what happens.

Thanks -- Audacious Audio Settings showed the Output was going to PulseAudio. I had not futzed with that, but changing it to ALSA Plugin got the sound back.

Dunno what happened. Like I said, it had been playing (on repeat) all night until I stopped it. Didn't do anything with it for an hour or more, then tried a radio stream and no sound. Don't like things like that just happening out of the blue!

Thanks for getting me back on track (hahaha) with Audacious!

(Though it's really nice to have Cantata playing and showing artist info, covers, and lyrics -- though I don't think the lyrics were for the song that was playing, still it was nice seeing the effort to find them! As I mentioned before -- Audacious only shows album art, no lyrics or artist info, and then only for library mp3 file playing. Sigh.)


#58 2025-02-13 21:52

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,154

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

Glad that worked but initially I was at wits end as Ive never seen issues like that with Audacious before.

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#59 2025-02-14 00:00

Registered: 2025-01-28
Posts: 54

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

Thought I'd add another one tried just today -- juk-trinity. Not worth the effort! Appears only to play mp3's, no streams. Will import, but not play, stream playlists. On top of that, it takes up twice the RAM of Audacious! It does have a built-in tagger, but there are probably way better taggers out there like Easy Tag and MusicBrainz.

But I tried!


#60 2025-02-14 02:38

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,154

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

Ive never tried juk-trinity but I havent run TDE in a long time as Im using KDE now full time.

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#61 2025-02-14 02:48

Registered: 2025-01-28
Posts: 54

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

Can't wait to try the "Fauxdacious" music player when it is available as a .deb package.  I tried building the app using the instructions in the blog, but failed, and I'm not clever enough with RYO apps to figure out where to go with it. It looks very promising. Bet it uses a lot of resources, though!


#62 2025-02-14 04:22

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,154

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

I was testing Netrunner 25 KDE tonight and noticed that it uses Yarock music player. Have no idea how light it is, but it is classified as a lightweight app.

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#63 2025-02-15 04:51

Registered: 2025-01-28
Posts: 54

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

crosscourt wrote:

I was testing Netrunner 25 KDE tonight and noticed that it uses Yarock music player. Have no idea how light it is, but it is classified as a lightweight app.

Not sure how to get that one. Apt search yarock yields nothing. (Dunno if being logged into TDE makes a difference in that?)

Looks like it needs to be built. I tried. I failed. :-)

Last edited by Durhammer (2025-02-15 05:08)


#64 2025-02-15 05:57

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,154

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

Im running KDE but Yarock is available in Synaptic in Netrunner, I hvent checked Q4OS KDE though.

You dont need to build it as its also offered in Ubuntu, it exists as an app. Im assuming they are building it from source code but Netrunner uses Debian 12 and has it.

Last edited by crosscourt (2025-02-15 06:02)

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#65 2025-02-15 17:06

Registered: 2025-01-28
Posts: 54

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

crosscourt wrote:

Im running KDE but Yarock is available in Synaptic in Netrunner, I hvent checked Q4OS KDE though.

You dont need to build it as its also offered in Ubuntu, it exists as an app. Im assuming they are building it from source code but Netrunner uses Debian 12 and has it.

Well, obviously I don't know that many tricks! Where and how do you add a Ubuntu PPA to the Q4OS (or other Debian) package manager to be able to download the binaries? All the KDE store has are the source code files, and I suck at building apps from source.


#66 2025-02-15 20:12

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,154

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

I just posted the website so you could see what Yarock looks like. Its the first time Ive ever seen Yarock, as KDE typically has Amarock in the old days,  Elisa or Clementine depending on the KDE distro.  Im with you, Im not building apps.
If you Google a bit, Yarock is very common in Ubuntu and you may see more of what it can do.

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#67 2025-02-17 02:26

Registered: 2017-12-15
Posts: 213

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

FWIW, source for an updated Qt 6 Yarock v1.5.0 is available from (a fork? Latest on is Qt 5 based v1.4.0)...


#68 2025-02-17 03:02

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,154

Re: Top 5 Linux music players

Thanks Midas.  Ive been using Yarock during my testing of Netrunner 25, a KDE Debian based distro.

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


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