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Will Trinity support Waylond?
and the last question. What processor is needed for the version with Trinity?
The answer is there:, even if you have already posted in another thread to say it isn't the truth.
From your other posts it appears that you have already tried Q4OS. So why asking if you have already found the response and if you don't believe neither the requirements given in the link above (you asked to modify them), nor the responses you have received?
All I can do is to confirm that my 10 years old processor with 2 GB RAM is sufficient to use Q4OS / TDE. You can also find thread about eeePC running Q4OS / TDE successfully.
Q4OS machine: Samsung R519 - Pentium T4200 2.0 GHz - 4 GB RAM - 500 GB SSD
Will Trinity support Waylond?
Pages: 1