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Another issue never faced before on debian distros, encountered on gemini/trinity.
i'm unable to automount (using fstab anc cifs) a shared folder on my nas.
I'm able to connect to it via the network GUI, but each times the computer restart, i have to enter credentials again and again.
Automount in fstab doesn't work too, and i idk why, if someone has a quick tips, it will be awesome. i'm not expert at all of such things, but i've already used cifs and fstab on several configurations in the past and i've never encountered such issue (sparky, puppy, antiX and lubuntu).
In FStab, it's looking like this :
//XXX.XXX.XXX.XX/myDrive /media/shares cifs -o rw, vers=3.0, credentials=/root/.smbcredentials
But i also tried :
//XXX.XXX.XXX.XX/myDrive /media/shares cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials, file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755 0 0
Help appreciated (for both automount and auto-logging).
My NAS configuration allow only smb1 and smb2, so i used param "vers=2.0" and it works now.