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Pages: 1
I have some old point of sale touchscreens that run the 32 bit Trinity perfectly.
They have a serial touchscreen that worked under Windows XP
I can verify the serial port using screen /dev/ttySx and getting garbage on input.
I tried every model available in inputattach and I get some limited response using -mtouch and one or two others but it is all over the place and obviously incorrect.
There is a driver out there in the ether somewhere (I have an Ubuntu 9 version) called xfdrvtouch_drv.o that is supposed to be the answer.
I am going to try and decompile/recompile...but this really isnt my area of expertise.
Curious as to if anyone has come across this before or is willing to take it on?
Like I said....not my area...
I was able to decompile using boomerang. I recompiled as a shared library and installed in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/import.
Now getting a different error: Module xfdrvtouch does not have a xfdrvtouchModuleData data object.
Pages: 1