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Hi there,
I was using old stable trinity with great joy. Today I decided to upgrade fresh, and I noticed that Q4OS doesn't recognize Nvidia geforce 6000 (304 legacy) automatically
I tried to install it manually with provided info for debian but I'm ending with comand line login screen and bad resolution.
Please help!
Thanks in advance.
Are you using the new stable "Centaurus"? or Scorpion?
How did you install the legacy driver?
Scorpion instructions here
I have set the link to go to the legacy install section as the others might be slightly different.
Did you create an xorg.conf file?
Did you check if the nouveau driver is blacklisted?
I was trying with this tutorial:
https:// wiki. debian. org/NvidiaGraphicsDrivers#Version_304.125
.. Replacing "wheezy" with "Buster".
I was using Scorpion and the OS found nvidia after first boot and installed it. Now I use Centaurus and when I check for nvidia with terminal, it showed a message that 304 legacy is supported up to Debian 9.
I will try today with Bumblebee since it is optimus.. but I cannot find tutorial for Buster, yet.
Sorry, my mistake. It is not optimus. Anyway, tried everything I could find but nothing works. I guess I should go back to Scopion ..
I tried this https:// wiki.debian. org /NvidiaGraphicsDrivers#Version_340.102_.28legacy_GPUs.29 replacing "stretch" with "buster".
I create Xorg and when I restart I end up with low resolution or in some cases with terminal-like login.
If I do not install nvidia I have flickering display and it is not functional. This was the main reason I switched from mint mate to Q4OS Scorpion- super fast and clean UI and no problem with my Nvidia, but now it is a pain again.
I'm sorry for the spam, but there is no "edit post" button.
Those are my specs:
Kernel: 4.19.0-5-amd64 x86_64 bits: 64
Desktop: Trinity R14.0.6 Distro: Q4OS 3.8.1-n1
Type: Desktop Mobo: Gigabyte model: M61SME-S2L serial: <root required>
BIOS: Award v: F5f date: 05/20/2008
Topology: Triple Core model: AMD Phenom 8450 bits: 64 type: MCP
L2 cache: 1536 KiB
Speed: 1050 MHz min/max: 1050/2100 MHz Core speeds (MHz): 1: 1050 2: 1050
3: 1050
Device-1: NVIDIA C61 [GeForce 6100 nForce 405] driver: nouveau v: kernel
Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.4 driver: nouveau
unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz
OpenGL: renderer: NV4C v: 2.1 Mesa 18.3.6
Device-1: NVIDIA MCP61 High Definition Audio driver: snd_hda_intel
Sound Server: ALSA v: k4.19.0-5-amd64
Device-1: NVIDIA MCP61 Ethernet type: network bridge driver: forcedeth
IF: enp0s7 state: down mac: 00:1d:7d:b8:6f:ff
Device-2: BUFFALO (formerly Mel ) WLI-UC-G300N Wireless LAN Adapter
[Ralink RT2870]
type: USB driver: rt2800usb
IF: wlx001d736a9179 state: up mac: 00:1d:73:6a:91:79
Local Storage: total: 298.09 GiB used: 3.27 GiB (1.1%)
ID-1: /dev/sda vendor: Hitachi model: HDP725032GLA360 size: 298.09 GiB
ID-1: / size: 286.19 GiB used: 3.27 GiB (1.1%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda1
ID-2: swap-1 size: 6.31 GiB used: 0 KiB (0.0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sda2
Missing: Required tool sensors not installed. Check --recommends
Processes: 137 Uptime: 1h 08m Memory: 2.87 GiB used: 769.0 MiB (26.2%)
Shell: bash inxi: 3.0.32
I'm sorry for the spam, but there is no "edit post" button.
I can see my edit button, at the bottom of the post between "Report" and "Quote".
As for the Driver problem I have no similar hardware to be able to test but it might be that in a while there will be some more information for Buster (Centaurus) available so it might be better to stick with Scorpion for a while at least, keep doing searches once a week until you find someone who has managed to get their setup working with this driver and then try again.
zmeiq wrote:I'm sorry for the spam, but there is no "edit post" button.
I can see my edit button, at the bottom of the post between "Report" and "Quote".
As for the Driver problem I have no similar hardware to be able to test but it might be that in a while there will be some more information for Buster (Centaurus) available so it might be better to stick with Scorpion for a while at least, keep doing searches once a week until you find someone who has managed to get their setup working with this driver and then try again.
Thanks. Sadly I'll rollback to Scorpion for a while. I will check every week for solution, and if I find something I will post it here.
P.S. I saw the edit button
Last edited by zmeiq (2019-07-17 19:34)
Pages: 1