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#1 2016-01-07 19:53

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

First, I want to thank each person who is taking time to learn Q4OS and spreading the word to others. I for one have tried several times over the past 15 years to move from WinOS to a better Opensource OS solution. Well, there is nothing out there that beats Q4OS in that respect. Its the success that I have had in the last few weeks learning Linux terminal commands and the ease of installing, configuring and using Q4OS that now has me flipping off Redmond, WA for good. And with this weeks announcement by Microshaft that they will stop supporting Win7 there is no better time to get Win users over to Q4OS.

With that in mind last night I wrote several bash scripts and created shortcuts on my desktop.  These scripts I am making will make it easier for WinOS users to make the move to Q4OS. Here is what I am starting with:

On boot up:

- On boot up a pop up terminal positioned on desktop (Shown in image) that will show "HOSTNAME" and other system information.
  --- Press [Enter Key] and terminal window closes

I personally need this popup displayed too as I have 10 different installations of Q4OS that I work on from many different hard drives. So each time I boot I know which system I am working on which is needed when I have 3 computers booted all with Q4OS. I am trying to serve very useful information and automate tasks that must be done via terminal until such time Q4OS development has such options installed. If its not frustrating (Like Win10 smile ) WinOS users will like it too !

On the Desktop I am placing icons (will put on Menu when I learn to do that) for these functions:

- Icon for running sudo apt-get update

Icon for installing these software programs that are not currently part of Q4OS Software Centre:   
- GIMP (We all Know About GIMP Graphics Application)
- gdebi (interactive  *.deb package installer)
- apache2 Webserver
- k3b (CD/DVD Burner)
- Simple Screen Recorder (Is a Q4OS OEM Installer but, not in Software Centre Yet)

Because Q4OS has shortcut advance settings to set options for user and permissions anything that can be in the terminal can be automated with a bash script and run interactively. 

The reason I am using this method:  By using the terminal & BASH to automate these functions, new users will see what is possible in the terminal and to me that is a good thing. People need to understand how to use terminal commands and they are more likely to use something that they can see it in action first. And, some people are just to lazy to learn it so we'll help those folks too smile.


What additional programs / applications and/or utilities and functions that are not currently automated in TDE / Q4OS Installer that should be which could help WinOS users when they start using Q4OS ?

If we make it a less frustrating move from WinOS to Q4OS ----  THEY WILL COME !   

Thanks for your help,



No Longer Using Q4OS


#2 2016-01-07 21:28

Registered: 2015-12-08
Posts: 400

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

  Maybe not for windows users, but something you may want to check out. Utility called Zenity. It allows you to create simple gui interfaces for script commands. Allowing dialog with user input if needed. Calendar. File dialog. And others! … dly-zenity

actually you can find many websites by doing a search for "Zenity script"

Hopefully it will help you out!


#3 2016-01-07 22:17

From: Saskatchewan, Canada
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 180

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

Thanks for mentioning this, Jim!  I never knew about Zenity.  Good thing to keep on record, just in case I ever need it.

Bobby, at the moment, all I can think of adding to your list is perhaps a video editor.  Lots of people today seem to be YouTubing, so perhaps OpenShot would be a good one to add to your list of default installs.

Current setup:  Acer Aspire One D257 / Q4OS Centaurus / TDE / SeaMonkey


#4 2016-01-07 22:36

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,564

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

Zenity could be the right tool for you Bobby, thanks JimW.


#5 2016-01-07 22:41

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

Thank you JimW & Q4OS Team !!

! Will take a look at Zenity right now.  I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

No Longer Using Q4OS


#6 2016-01-08 16:02

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

Yes !  This is the tool I need for making these scripts.

zenity --> bash script --> graphic display -> yes /no --> runs script 


I will post video of my first application install using zenity soon.

Thanks for your help.


No Longer Using Q4OS


#7 2016-01-08 19:16

Registered: 2015-12-08
Posts: 400

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

If I remember correctly, Zenity has to be on the system you are running the script on. So, if you are writing these for other machines you need to either make sure Zenity is installed or have the script install it if it isn't.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong! (Please?)

Last edited by JimW (2016-01-08 19:16)


#8 2016-01-08 19:19

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,564

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

JimW, correct.


#9 2016-01-09 00:32

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

JimW, Thanks.

yes, it Zenity will have to be installed for my Zenity moded bash scripts to work, so I have decided to build 2 sets of bash scripts:

1. bash scripts exclusive to use in the terminal;  and

2. these same bash scripts moded with Zenity commands.

I see this as a win-win situation.  complete noobie's can start off with the Zenity + bash scripts + menu / desktop short cuts.

More advanced users will run the scripts with  a, b, c, 1, 2, 3, etc. key stokes from bash menu.

Now, for 3 months of script writing smile

Thanks again for everybody's help.


This way I have both noobie and some what Linux experienced users covered.

No Longer Using Q4OS


#10 2016-01-09 07:10

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

What about kdialog ?  Can this be used with TDE ?

I like Zenity and it will do most all that I need but, if kdialog can use TDE widgets, would that more consistent for Q4OS users ?

No Longer Using Q4OS


#11 2016-01-09 08:56

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

Issue with GTK when trying to run terminal command from within zenity sh file.  if I use sudo apt-get update it has the below error

I tried sh ./     from same directory as zentiy bash coded file and I get the following error.

I can run ./ with only bash code and it works.

I can run ./  file okay without terminal commands and it works without error.

Error only shows up if I use Zenity code and sudo commands in same *.sh file

NOTE:  I am using a Shortcut created on Desktop --> open in terminal --> executable

Tried shortcut in same directory as *.sh files

all .sh files have been:   sudo chmod a+x


Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.

Any help would be appreciated as I can only guess it has to the secondary window that zenity pops open  (but just guessing here smile )



Last edited by bobby (2016-01-09 09:09)

No Longer Using Q4OS


#12 2016-01-09 16:17

Registered: 2015-12-08
Posts: 400

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

  I don't know if this may help or not. In it the person is trying to sudo nautilus and is having problems under zenity. May be related to your problem. … 00003.html


#13 2016-01-09 17:09

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,564

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

bobby wrote:

What about kdialog ?  Can this be used with TDE ?

Yes, you can use kdialog in dash/bash scripts. See 'man kdialog-trinity' for possible options.


#14 2016-01-09 17:57

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

JimW,  Thanks

but, not related to browser or password.   It appears to be related to launching a popup window from the terminal.  I will test it more tonight and see if I can determine it is related to GNOME or if does same on another desktop environment.

No Longer Using Q4OS


#15 2016-01-09 17:58

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

Q4OS Team, 

Thanks for letting me know.


No Longer Using Q4OS


#16 2016-01-10 09:00

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

Using Kdialog I have created a few automated scripts.  Maybe I am shooting for the stars but, I would like to have so much automated that a new Linux user never has to go the terminal to have everything installed that they want. Those who will use the terminal will but, there are those users that will not use Linux because they have to learn commands.

Once the Q4OS Team has more application installers in their Software Installer - Q4OS Repository,  I will drop my installers for same application.

So far this is all I have automated so far (A lot more to do !)  It took me a while to decide where to place all the files.

- Kdialog = Bash Installer / Kdialog Remover

- K3b  CD-ROM Burner  =  Kdialog Installer & Remover
- Apt-Get-Update  = Kdialog

This coming week,  I will create Installers & removers for all applications that I use to build a Q4OS System and record the installers in action..

Then I will work on konsole commands that are useful like:  df,  hostname, uptime, netstat, etc. diplayed in a easy to read kdialog message box.

Everyone is welcome to make suggestions on what terminal commands; program installs; etc that  would be helpful to have automated to help someone that has "never used" Linux before.

If in the future if its approved as an official option for Q4OS uers to use these Kdialog Installers that anyone can create, I will take the time to learn the Q4OS Installer process and build a Q4OS compatible installer but for the foreseeable future, Kdialog can be use to install these scripts from one zip file.

Note: I have chosen to place these installers in /home/installers/  which is in root : root folder. So I do have to change to user : user but, this way if a user ads their own installers all they have to do is copy or backup one folder as its not part of the TDE menu.

Here's a  video "Demonstration of the Kdialog automation I have done using Q4OS Shortcuts --> Kdialog  + Bash --> Konsole Terminal smile


No Longer Using Q4OS


#17 2016-01-27 00:56

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

Below is my example code that will popup a dialog "YES / NO" to install K3B CD/DVD Burner but, I don't know how to make the Kdialog progress bar work properly; proportionally to the download length (if that's even possible).

I assume there is a way to check the download size (in this example it would be k3b @ 20.9 MB) and add time to the progress bar.

Any Suggestions ?


# lauch yes or no apt-get-update
# by Bobby Cooper /


kdialog --title "4os Script - Install K3b" --yesno "4os Automated Installer \
.\n Do you want to install K3b CD/DVD Burner Program ?"

if [ $? = 0 ]; then

dcopRef=$(kdialog --title "DCOP Progress" --progressbar "Downloading k3b . . ." 8)
echo $dcopRef
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 1
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Downloading k3b CD/DVD Burner Program"
sleep 1
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 2
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Downloading k3b CD/DVD Burner Program"
sleep 1
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 3
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Downloading k3b CD/DVD Burner Program"
sleep 1
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 4
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Downloading k3b CD/DVD Burner Program"
sleep 1

dcop $dcopRef close

dcopRef=$(kdialog --title "DCOP Progress" --progressbar "Installing K3b will take a few minutes." 8)
echo $dcopRef
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 1
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Installing K3b will take a few minutes"
sleep 0
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 2
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Installing K3b will take a few minutes"
sleep 0
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 3
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Installing K3b will take a few minutes"
sleep 0
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 4
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Installing K3b will take a few minutes"
sleep 0

# kdialog pauses at 50%

# k3b installs 

yes | sudo apt-get install k3b

# Kdialog goes from 50-100% 

dcop $dcopRef setProgress 5
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Creating Icons and final settings"
sleep 1
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 6
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Creating Icons and final settings"
sleep 1
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 7
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Creating Icons and final settings"
sleep 1
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 8
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Creating Icons and final settings"
sleep 1
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 9
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Creating Icons and final settings"
sleep 0
dcop $dcopRef setProgress 10
dcop $dcopRef setLabel "Creating Icons and final settings"
sleep 0

dcop $dcopRef close

kdialog --msgbox "K3b CD/DVD Burner Installed\n For more automated 4os scripts \n Visit"


exit 0

No Longer Using Q4OS


#18 2016-01-27 03:13

Registered: 2015-12-08
Posts: 400

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

  Probably not much help, but can you get the "current size" of the downloaded file. If so, then it would simply be "current size" / "total size" for the percentage downloaded.

But then again, I've never tried anything like that. I do complain that most "progress bars" increment by files, that is file 1 of 100 has the same percentage as file 99 of 100, even though file 99 may be the largest file downloaded and file 1 the smallest!


#19 2016-01-27 04:46

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

@JimW,  Thanks for comment. I am still learning the very basics of bash & Kdialog. And GOD if I should ever try "C"; I would get an ulcer sad

Kdialog progress bar uses time total / segments + sleep as I understand it.  What I am looking for is a way to make the Kdialog progress dialog to start and pause (advance percentage) during the apt-get install until install is complete and then progress bar can go to 100%.

The way I have it is the progress bar goes to 50% and pauses--> the Program is installed (long pause)--> then Progress bar goes from 50% ---> --> 100%e to

The progress bar does not have to be relative to actual install percentage just trying to get around very long pause during program install.

I am sure this can be done using "C" but, I can't do  variable and array programming. sad

Searching far and wide.

And Thanks Again for comment.


No Longer Using Q4OS


#20 2016-01-27 07:42

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

In this video I show a few of the scripts and my progress with automating Q4OS:

- Application Installs (not automated by Q4OS Team);

- Q4OS System, hardware and software information;

- Apt-Get Update; (Displayed in Terminal for demonstration but, will make it run in background "quietly" like others)

- Enable / Disable Services | Show Service Status

- Direct Q4OS users to their local Authorized Support

Please let me know what else I need to Automate in Q4OS so WinOS users can ROCK fast and friendly with Q4OS.

If its very, very, very easy - they will spread the word like a wild fire ! (I hope)



No Longer Using Q4OS


#21 2016-01-27 10:46

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,564

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

Bobby, we have created k3b installer especially for you, attached. Download and run by doubleclick.

esh setup_q4os-k3b_1.1-a1_all.esh, Size: 16.38 KiB, Downloads: 1,233


#22 2016-01-28 10:15

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

@Q4OS Team,  Thank You for Q4OS k3b installer. I appreciate this so much as I can not create anything like this in QT IDE using your Q4OS Template.  I don't know any C language.

If you have time, GIMP & Ksnapshot are the only 2 other Q4OS Installers that I would recommend at this time for users.

I will host these unofficial scripts at for people to download.


No Longer Using Q4OS


#23 2016-01-28 10:24

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,564

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

Bobby, you don't need to know anything about QT, C or C++ to create Q4OS installers. It's easy job with a few configuration files to setup only. You can find basic example here


#24 2016-01-28 22:13

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

q4osteam wrote:

Bobby, you don't need to know anything about QT, C or C++ to create Q4OS installers. It's easy job with a few configuration files to setup only. You can find basic example here

I see this:

$ mkdir -p $HOME/my-appdir
$ cd $HOME/my-appdir
$ echo 'kdialog --msgbox "Hello World"' >
$ echo -e 'install:\n\tcp /usr/bin/application.exu' > Makefile
$ chmod a+x

And My Mind gets blurry sad

Will go through steps again. 


No Longer Using Q4OS


#25 2016-02-12 06:30

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Need your feedback on Terminal vs Automated Installs & WinOS users

What applications should I add for easy install by new users ?

With a lot of help from a very talented person that is among us, the Q4 Installer Automation is now a usable system. I still need help with what applications should be recommended for use by new users of Q4OS.. I have in the Q4 Installer so far:

Apache2 Webserver

Terminal commands with parsed output to popup windows will include apt-get update, hostname, uname, df, du and more.

I have setup a webpage that describes the above Applications and links to their developers homepages and documents.

No Longer Using Q4OS


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