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As I try to run the .desktop file of Tor browser as downloaded from Tor webpage, an error pops up saying "Service '/home/user/Downloads/tor-browser_en-US/start-tor-browser.desktop' is malformatted." Now this file runs just fine in every other debian-based distros I've tried (ubuntu, antix, mx linux, bunsen labs, crunchbang ++), but not on this. Any suggestion to solve this is highly appreciated.
Last edited by souperman (2019-01-13 04:22)
Could you post the contents of the .desktop file?
Thanks Dai_trying for replying so soon! Well Properties--->Contents say that it is a plain text document. I just want to add that, when I copy the command from Properties-->Application-->Command and paste it in terminal, it works.
Yes, .desktop files are simple text, they contain some instructions/config options to run a command from the desktop (or a menu), they must also follow the desktop entry specification which I'm guessing is not the case for your file.
I've inserted the desktop file and you can see it conforms to the 'desktop entry specifications'.
Last edited by souperman (2019-01-02 05:18)
You actually inserted a picture of your .desktop file, the actual file would have been better, I might be able to copy it but the Exec line seems (to me) to be overly complicated and may be causing a problem but I could not test it without having to use my own interpretation of a graphic, I will download tor in a VM later today to see what happens.
Oh! Sorry! Here it is. And you need to open this in a TDE session, in order to know. Because, it works in my MATE session but not in TDE.
Last edited by souperman (2019-01-02 10:49)
I found a way to make it work was to direct the .desktop file to the start-tor-browser.desktop file, so the .desktop file that resides on the Desktop would contain this:-
[Desktop Entry]
Name=My Tor Browser
GenericName=Web Browser
Comment=Tor Browser is +1 for privacy and -1 for mass surveillance
X-TorBrowser-ExecShell=./Browser/start-tor-browser --detach
StartupWMClass=Tor Browser
double clicking the original file in the tor folder will still result in the malformed error message so this is more of a workaround than a solution but it would give you a correct working .desktop file on your Desktop.
It's working! Just like it should!! Thank you very much, Dai_trying. And I should say even though it's a workaround, it feels more like a solution. Although, I wonder what would happen if I change the original file's exec line? Anyway, thank you very much, again.
You can experiment with the original file by first making a copy with a different name (as a backup)
cp ~/tor-browser_en-US/start-tor-browser.desktop ~/tor-browser_en-US/backup_start-tor-browser.desktop
and then editing the original. If you encounter any problems with your modifications you could simply copy the backup file back over the modified one.
cp ~/tor-browser_en-US/backup_start-tor-browser.desktop ~/tor-browser_en-US/start-tor-browser.desktop
Any changes you save to the original .desktop file (/home/user/tor-browser_en-US/start-tor-browser.desktop) will be immediately implemented from the Desktop launcher as it launches the original .desktop file.
Update: Regarding modification to the original file.
So, as I modified the Exec line in original file to
Tor opens up fine, no errors. But, here's the catch; upon closing the open window and trying to open the file again, the same errors pops up (i.e. start-tor...malformatted). And upon checking the Exec line I see that the file has undone all the changes.
This is not important (my issue has been solved), but I thought you would like to know about what happens upon modifying the original file.
Thanks again, for all those times you've helped!
Last edited by souperman (2019-01-12 18:33)
This is expected behaviour, if you look in the file /home/user/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/start-tor-browser (line 239-244) it checks and replaces the Exec line with the correct line according to the developers, obviously if you want to prevent this (not advised as there is likely a reason for it) you could simply comment out that section.
Aha! So, that's how! Nah, I will leave the guy alone, not uncomment it. Thanks Dai, I would have, obviously, never found it out myself. Thanks!!
You're welcome