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I thought I would just give some tips on achieving this as there is currently a problem doing it although in about a month there should be a fix available, nevertheless here it is.
1. You need to create a udev rule that recognizes your camera/card specifically, Mine is shown below (make sure each rule is on ONE line only). There are many guides on using udev rules one good source is HERE.
ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd?1", ENV{ID_FS_UUID}=="41BC-8675", SYMLINK+="CamCard", RUN+="/usr/bin/sudo -u daa /home/dai/bin/"
ACTION=="remove", KERNEL=="sd?1", ENV{ID_FS_UUID}=="41BC-8675", RUN+="/usr/bin/sudo -u dai /home/dai/bin/"
Save it to /etc/udev/rules.d/camcard.rules DO NOT COPY MINE EXACTLY! it will not work without changing user name and UUID of your camera/card at the very least.
You can name it something else if you want so long as it ends in .rules
Next create a directory in /media/dai/ I named mine the same as the symlink that the udev rule created, but this is up to you, and take ownership.
sudo mkdir /media/dai/CamCard
sudo chown dai:dai /media/dai/CamCard
Next edit your fstab and add the following line
/dev/CamCard /media/dai/CamCard auto rw,user,noauto,sync 0 0
this will allow the user to mount the disk without root permissions.
Now onto the scripts...
Script 1
echo "`date +%d/%m/%Y_%H:%M:%S` CamCard Inserted" >>/home/dai/CamCard.log
mount /dev/CamCard
echo /home/dai/bin/copy_card_to_Pictures | at now
You can remove the first echo statement if you wish, I just use it to keep a usage log.
You will probably need to install the "at" command, it is used to prevent blocking udev while uploads are carried out.
sudo apt-get install at
Script 2
This script isn't really necessary I use it for logging purposes.
echo "`date +%d/%m/%Y_%H:%M:%S` CamCard Removed" >>/home/dai/CamCard.log
Script 3
This is the main copy script.
export DISPLAY=:0
check_mount () {
cat /etc/mtab | grep "CamCard" > /dev/null
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
return 0
return 1
if check_mount; then
syncfiles=`rsync -navW /media/dai/CamCard/* /home/dai/Documents/Pictures/ | grep -i ".jpg"`
if [ "${#syncfiles}" == 0 ]; then
umount /dev/CamCard
kdialog --title "No Files To Download" --passivepopup "You can remove the memory card now" 5
exit 100
echo "`date +%d/%m/%Y_%H:%M:%S` rsync activated" >>/home/dai/CamCard.log
rsync -avW /media/dai/CamCard/* /home/dai/Documents/Pictures/ ### Use this to keep photo's on card after uploading them
#rsync -avW --delete-source-files /media/dai/CamCard/* /home/dai/Documents/Pictures/ ### Use this to delete photo's from card after uploading them
echo "`date +%d/%m/%Y_%H:%M:%S` rsync completed" >>/home/dai/CamCard.log
umount /dev/CamCard
kdialog --title "Files Downloaded" --passivepopup "These files have been downloaded:-
You can remove the memory card now" 5
All that remains now is to restart udev and make the scripts executable
sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart
chmod +x /home/dai/bin/ /home/dai/bin/ /home/dai/bin/copy_card_to_Pictures
And insert your camera/card and watch it run.
This works for me, if you try it and have any problems let me know and I will try and help. Don't forget though, there is a fix in the pipeline if you have more patience than I.
Last edited by Dai_trying (2016-01-17 14:06)
Great job Dai, thank you.
You are welcome, I hope it helps someone.
Is this how I would set up my Logitech camera...? I have a Logitech Click smart 510 which doubles as a webcam.Would this work with it..?
I think so, but a few things to check first would be how the camera is recognized by the os, If it sees it as a disc then i should. Bear in mind that what my scripts do is just copy (using rsync) the photographs found on the disc/usb stick/camera to your Pictures directory. If you need help identifying what you can do, type into a console (after connecting camera)
to see what usb devices are attached and then if one is a disc type device type
sudo blkid
to get the UUID of the device to use with my scripts.
If you need any more help just ask