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Thanks JimW, not a lot of work really, well it wouldn't be if I had to do it again, most of the work involved building something changing the specs and re-building it again (3 times so far!) and that was mainly soldering, desoldering, soldering, desoldering etc... If I had to make another one I could probably do it in a half day (providing I had all the components that is).
The biggest time consumer is getting graphics that look good at 42x18 pixels, I am going through a lot of trial end error with different images and colour variations to try and make it look "presentable" although simple text is easy enough and can be done very quickly, so the messages will be a breeze.
I havent seen the result of the kit we bought as my friend is setting it up for his store but Ill try to post back. With such a large display Im hoping the Q4OS ad will look really good.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Inspiron 3670 i5 8600, GTX 1660 Super, 32gb, 2tb NVME SSD