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#1 2024-07-10 01:22

Registered: 2024-07-10
Posts: 1

Q4OS boot issue on thin client wyse 3040

Hi everyone.

I'm facing an issue trying to install and run last q4os on a dell wyse 3040 (8gb version).
I used centaurus 2 years ago, without booting problem. I decided to upgrade to last aquarius version these days and erased the disk (in fact wyse 3040 emmc). The live-cd install went well but during the reboot, I had a no bootable device found" message on black screen.

So I decided to upgrade the wyse 3040 BIOS (now 1.2.5), tick the boot from USB and disabled the secure boot. I saw that there isn't any legacy/csm option, guessed it's uefi only. I reinstalled the ThinOS image with success. I downloaded again the aquarius trinity live-cd x64 version, and prepared my USB drive with last rufus. I let it un mbr mode, uefi/BIOS option.

I can boot on the live version, pretty smooth. I started the q4os install, validating time,  keyboard, name, password etc. On the partition screen, I chose to use the entire disk and let it automaric. The installer dividied the mmcblk in 3 parrts : the first one is efi (around 500mb), the second one ext4 for q4os (around 6.8gb) and a last one for swap (few MB). The installer said install was a success, but on reboot I'm facing the same "no bootable device found".

I searched over the web, it seems it's a uefii/efi BIOS issue on boot. In the BIO boot sequence, I can see the Q4os aquarius but the file name that the BIOS issue searching is always  \efi\boot\bootx64.efi while if I try to add a boot option, the file name path is fs0: efi\debian. In that foled I have a shimx64, grubx64, mmx64 and fbx64 efi files and a bootx64.csv and GRUB.cfg files. No bootx64.efi file. If I choose the grubx64.efi file, when I reboot the BIOS, the bootx64.efi file is shown again in the file name path.

So to my mind the culprit is linked to efi boot file. I'm disappointed because I did not have this issue when I previously installed centaurus and I dont know what to do.

If someone already had this issue and is able to help me, I would appreciate.



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