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#1 2023-11-16 18:30

Registered: 2023-11-01
Posts: 147

Scripts for Q4OS Trinity: Win10 Theming, perfs, laptop config,etc...

Hello smile
I'm "working" on some scripts to reconfigure a bit Q4OS Trinity to fit my needs. (theming ala windows 10, performances, laptop configuration and 'defaults' applications selected by me).

Although it was made initially for my personal usage, I think it can be of interest for people who use Q4OS Trinity. Especially the theming part I think, which can apply a windows 10 style to your system (light and dark theme).
The reason for this little project, as I explained in the readme on github, is that I really love Q4OS with trinity desktop, so responsive, ram frugal, and ideal for old computers. But I thought it needed a more "modern" theme, and I like windows 10 style. This is my attempt to do this.

Here is the github url:

Please note it's designed to work on Q4OS Trinity 64bits, but Q4OS Team told me that the theme script seems to work too on 32bits version, maybe by forcing the creation of some folders. Tell me if you try.

It's not yet "finished", but I think at this point I need "testers" to help me to find bugs or improve some parts. It's a "full theme"  with icons, pointers, windows decorations, widgets style, color schemes, sounds, taskbar setup, konqueror profiles,boot splash, gtk theme, etc...

Tell me what you think about it here and feel free to discuss bug & improvements here :


Last edited by seb3773 (2023-11-16 18:59)

jpg SNAPSH1.jpg, Size: 199.83 KiB, Downloads: 263
jpg SNAPSH2.jpg, Size: 174.41 KiB, Downloads: 227

My Q4OS scripts: win10/osx theming, perfs optimisation, laptop configuration, ...  for trinity users -->


#2 2023-11-17 13:17

Registered: 2017-12-15
Posts: 220

Re: Scripts for Q4OS Trinity: Win10 Theming, perfs, laptop config,etc...

Cool, and thanks for sharing. cool


#3 2023-11-19 21:10

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,772

Re: Scripts for Q4OS Trinity: Win10 Theming, perfs, laptop config,etc...

We have made new report regarding missing install directories


#4 2023-11-20 14:44

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,772

Re: Scripts for Q4OS Trinity: Win10 Theming, perfs, laptop config,etc...


#5 2023-11-20 16:10

Registered: 2023-11-01
Posts: 147

Re: Scripts for Q4OS Trinity: Win10 Theming, perfs, laptop config,etc...

Thanks for your interest !! I will do my best to improve it smile

My Q4OS scripts: win10/osx theming, perfs optimisation, laptop configuration, ...  for trinity users -->


#6 2025-02-02 21:35

Registered: 2025-01-28
Posts: 54

Re: Scripts for Q4OS Trinity: Win10 Theming, perfs, laptop config,etc...

I know the post is many months old now, but I found the scripts useful. TDE looks and feels much better than before. There *were* a few glitches. In running the qperf script, it kept hanging at various places, and I basically had to kill the scripts and sub-scripts, as well as the "sudo apt remove ..." commands that seemed to be what was hanging on. Whatever was supposed to be removed, was, but the scripts never started back up after that. Also, there was a whole menu section that simply wouldn't do anything -- can't remember which right now.

Nice themeing, and nice menuing (and the ability to edit the menu! -- if that already was in TDE, I missed finding it before). Great job!


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