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Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a nice life!
I tried upgrading my Q4OS-TDE VM from Centaurus/Buster to Gemini/Bullseye, and I partially succeeded: The upgrade was interrupted half the way due to an error regarding q4os-desktop and q4os-debfxs pkgs, which can not be removed/upgraded. I tried to remove them manually in the hope that I could reinstall them later from a TTY, but typing 'Yes, do as I say!' doesn't work and the process aborts. In TDM after typing my password I get this:
And it gets stuck in a loop; dropping me back to TDM login screen. A few other screenshots:
I used
sudo apt -o APT::Force-LoopBreak=yes full-upgrade
How can I start dcopserver? I installed XFCE and have a desktop, but would like to keep on using TDE, since I only have this VM, so I can try and help those using Q4OS TDE, I use Plasma. Any help/advice is much appreciated.
I solved it by running
sudo dpkg --force-all -i /var/cache/apt/archives/q4os-desktop_4.7.1-n1_all.deb
Now everything works as expected.