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#1 2021-08-24 19:13

From: AZ, USA
Registered: 2016-11-29
Posts: 459

Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

I wrote up instructions using the DEBIAN way, I'll post them here as well if someone wants to do it the way Debian wants you to do going forward (the only difference is a minor change to the list file, and different way of using the gpg key, still uses the same parts though).  You can still use the apt-key add in Bullseye, but it will complain about it being deprecated EVERY TIME you use it, and whatever 12 is won't support it at all, so best to get used to the new method anyway IMO.

So, first thing, lets get the repository key.

wget -O- | gpg --dearmor | tee /usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg

This sets up the key to be able to be used only by that one repository instead of trusted system-wide.  So, while a little more annoying to set up, it is an improvement for security.

Next, create the list file

vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/npreining.list
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] ./
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] ./
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] ./
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] ./
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] ./

If you start getting errors about the packages hash mismatches for expected vs. download, change the to, this is caused by a OBS issue with syncing.  Might be resolved now, but I'm keeping this warning just in case.

Ater that's set up, you can go ahead and do a apt update and apt full-upgrade.  When I initially did this, it DID remove several plasma packages, but after it finished I was able to re-install them and it properly installed the new versions.  Since then, it's been pretty smooth except for the hiccup with the OBS platform and the sync issue.

Q4OS Trinity machine - Crelander E160.  Intel Celeron N5105, 16GB LPDDR4, 512GB m.2 SATA SSD, Intel UHD graphics, Intel 7265 Wifi 5 + BT 4.x, 16" 3072x1920 LCD.


#2 2021-08-24 23:31

Registered: 2019-10-06
Posts: 487

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

Just wanted to add this here for those wanting to use the OBS repo to update Gemini's/Debian's Plasma, cause if you do it, some pkgs will be removed, for me, it was these, yours might be different:

kde-cli-tools kde-plasma-desktop kinfocenter kscreen plasma-desktop plasma-workspace-wayland powerdevil sddm-theme-breeze sddm-theme-debian-breeze

The relevant part is that kde-plasma-desktop will be removed, so after applying the update, you'll need to reboot, jump to a TTY, for example by hitting Ctrl + f3, log in, and reinstall kde-plasma-desktop from there along with a few others, otherwise you'll get an error about missing dpendencies and/or that some pkgs are being held. These are kde-plasma-desktop dependencies:

libkworkspace5-5 libnotificationmanager1 libtaskmanager6abi1

and this is a dependency from the above pkgs


so, in my case, I had to re-install these:

sudo apt install kde-cli-tools kde-plasma-desktop kinfocenter  plasma-desktop powerdevil systemsettings partitionmanager plasma-disks  libkworkspace5-5 libnotificationmanager1 libtaskmanager6abi1 plasma-workspace

This installed all the necessary pkgs for having a working Plasma desktop, and once the pkgs above were installed, I typed

sudo systemctl reboot

hit Enter, type in my password when asked, and am now enjoying my newly, updated Plasma desktop. smile

Last edited by Tolkem (2021-08-25 12:40)


#3 2021-09-24 07:02

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,378

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

Referencing a later discussion I succeeded with this as above. The only difference was the order in which I tackled the lack of working desktop afterwards.

Having rebooted and gone to TTY I did

sudo apt install plasma-workspace

This pulled in what was needed.


sudo apt --no-install-recommends install kde-plasma-desktop kscreen plasma-discover powerdevil kinfocenter kde-config-updates software-properties-kde systemsettings


The reason for the no-recommends switch was because I did not want the hundreds of noto-fonts that it wanted to install. The recommends added about 600mb to the install which I'd them have to remove.

All good


#4 2021-09-24 12:39

Registered: 2019-10-06
Posts: 487

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

bin wrote:

The reason for the no-recommends switch was because I did not want the hundreds of noto-fonts that it wanted to install. The recommends added about 600mb to the install which I'd them have to remove.

All good

Ah, had I known before! lol I did install those extra fonts, it didn't occur to me to use no-recommends. If you haven't already, I recommend installing timeshift and create a restore image, just in case. smile

Last edited by Tolkem (2021-09-24 12:49)


#5 2021-10-10 19:25

Registered: 2021-08-07
Posts: 51

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

I'm not sure if this is a similar problem to yours or something a little different. Everything booted up okay, but then there is a ton of updates to do in my update manager. I clicked "update all" and got this message.

"Cannot remove system package WARNING: You are trying to remove the following essential packages: q4os-desktop q4os-desktop-plasma (due to q4os-desktop)"

Is there a way to fix this? Not sure if I understand what is happening.


#6 2021-10-10 21:07

Registered: 2019-10-06
Posts: 487

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

SteveM wrote:

I'm not sure if this is a similar problem to yours or something a little different. Everything booted up okay, but then there is a ton of updates to do in my update manager. I clicked "update all" and got this message.

"Cannot remove system package WARNING: You are trying to remove the following essential packages: q4os-desktop q4os-desktop-plasma (due to q4os-desktop)"

Is there a way to fix this? Not sure if I understand what is happening.

Did you update Plasma? If you did install timeshift, like I suggested you to, then you can restore your system. Can you post a screenshot with the message?


#7 2021-10-10 21:30

Registered: 2021-08-07
Posts: 51

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

I didn't complete the upgrade. I added the key, created and added the repository files /etc/apt/sources.list.d/npreining.list. Then I did an apt update and apt full-upgrade and rebooted the computer.

The computer booted up fine, but then a bunch of updates appeared. When I clicked update all, I got the warning you can see in the screenshot:

Nothing in this list has been installed. Yes, I made a timeshift back up before I started this attempt.


#8 2021-10-11 06:03

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,378

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

Whiles doing this you need to ignore anything form any auto-updater, - it will work.
OK - in short:-
1. Add key and repos
2. Apt update and apt full-upgrade - lots of stuff gets updated and some bits get removed.
3. Reboot
4. At login screen (which will look different) ctrl-alt-f2 - that takes you to a TTY screen - login there.
5. sudo apt install plasma-workspace
6. sudo apt --no-install-recommends install kde-plasma-desktop kscreen plasma-discover powerdevil kinfocenter kde-config-updates software-properties-kde systemsettings
7. sudo reboot.


#9 2021-10-11 17:16

Registered: 2021-08-07
Posts: 51

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

4. At login screen (which will look different) ctrl-alt-f2 - that takes you to a TTY screen - login there.

The screen didn't look any different, but I can still try a ctrl-alt-f2. Before I do this, do I install the updates that I can from the update manager before I login and do the ctrl-alt-f2?

I've already added the key and repos. I did the apt update and apt full-upgrade. So do the updates from the update manager first or do the ctrl-alt-f2 first?

Thank you!


#10 2021-10-12 05:56

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,378

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

If you've done the upgrade then a number of packages should have been removed.

So, I would get to the login screen, swap to TTY and then do 5,6,7.

I am puzzled as the packages that were removed should have hit the login screen  - but it depends on what else you have done in your other attempts. I was only able to record the process from a fresh install in a VM.


#11 2021-10-12 22:12

Registered: 2021-08-07
Posts: 51

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

Please excuse my confusion. When I logged in and got my ordinary desktop, the updates the computer suggests include desktop files. Please see

Items 9, 10 and 11 in the list are update files for the desktop, aren't they? Or are these the wrong files?



#12 2021-10-13 05:43

Registered: 2019-10-06
Posts: 487

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

SteveM wrote:

Please excuse my confusion. When I logged in and got my ordinary desktop, the updates the computer suggests include desktop files. Please see

Items 9, 10 and 11 in the list are update files for the desktop, aren't they? Or are these the wrong files?


Desktop = KDE Plasma. Every single pkg there must be updated.

I've already added the key and repos. I did the apt update and apt full-upgrade. So do the updates from the update manager first or do the ctrl-alt-f2 first?

Ok, thing is, if you did the upgrade and upon reboot you can get to your desktop, then you're in luck, because you don't need to do anything else; Plasma's been already updated to 5.22. If on the other hand, you did the upgrade, and upon reboot you found no desktop, just a black screen, then press Ctrl + Alt + F3 and install the pkgs as suggested by bin. Can you launch kinfocenter, take a screenshot of the main page, where it puts the Plasma version and everything, and post it here? Just to confirm whether it's already been updated, in which case, you can just proceed with updates from discover. However, it wouldn't hurt to "timeshift" the current state, you know, better safer than sorry. smile


#13 2021-10-13 17:50

Registered: 2021-08-07
Posts: 51

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

I did a timeshift backup, but it looks to me from this screenshot that I have Plasma 5.20

I must have missed something? Or, can I proceed to install the updates from the file manager?

After I got the key I did (sorry -- don't know how to make the code lines in black)

Nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/npreining.list

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] … Debian_11/ ./
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] … Debian_11/ ./
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] … Debian_11/ ./
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] … Debian_11/ ./
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] … Debian_11/ ./

Then it says: Ater that's set up, you can go ahead and do a apt update and apt full-upgrade.

I didn't get any errors, and I don't know if there are missing packages, but my desktop is working. However, it looks like its still Plasma 5.20. What did I do wrong?

Last edited by SteveM (2021-10-13 21:33)


#14 2021-10-13 23:58

Registered: 2019-10-06
Posts: 487

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

SteveM wrote:

I did a timeshift backup, but it looks to me from this screenshot that I have Plasma 5.20

I must have missed something? Or, can I proceed to install the updates from the file manager?

After I got the key I did (sorry -- don't know how to make the code lines in black)

Nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/npreining.list

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] [url][/url] ./
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] [url][/url] ./
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] [url][/url] ./
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] [url][/url] ./
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg] [url][/url] ./

Then it says: Ater that's set up, you can go ahead and do a apt update and apt full-upgrade.

I didn't get any errors, and I don't know if there are missing packages, but my desktop is working. However, it looks like its still Plasma 5.20. What did I do wrong?

Yes, that screenshot confirms Plasma version's still 5.20. To make the "code lines", you use bbcode, like this:
[ code ]  [ / code ]
tho there shouldn't be any spaces, I left them there just because if I didn't, you wouldn't see them. Then you paste/type your code/text in between, and it will look like your code above after I applied the bbcode to it. I don't know what your problem might be, could you please elaborate on the process you followed to update? Bit by bit, please. Maybe you did miss something.

Last edited by Tolkem (2021-10-13 23:59)


#15 2021-10-14 10:11

Registered: 2021-08-07
Posts: 51

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

I ran this line in the terminal for a new key

wget -O- | gpg --dearmor | tee /usr/share/keyrings/npreining-archive-keyring.gpg

I thought the key might look garbled but then I don't know much about keys. Here is an image shot so you can see it:

Then I created the file:

nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/npreining.list

I didn't use vi to do this. I used nano instead.

Then I navigated to the directory to make sure the file was created and the sources were added.

The instructions say, "If you start getting errors about the packages hash mismatches for expected vs. download, change the to"

I didn't get any errors. Then the instructions say, "Ater that's set up, you can go ahead and do a apt update and apt full-upgrade" I did this. When the computer booted back up , I didn't see anything missing, and I logged in as I normally would.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt full-upgrade

I used the computer for a few minutes and noticed the icon for the update manager was showing updates available. Here is a screenshot of the updates:

I clicked the button at the top to update all. When I did this, I got the warning shown in this screenshot:

I clicked the button "okay" on the warning, but the updates didn't install. So, this is where I am now.

Last edited by SteveM (2021-10-14 10:15)


#16 2021-10-14 13:32

Registered: 2019-10-06
Posts: 487

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

Thank you for the elaborated answer. I think you should run again

sudo apt full-upgrade

from konsole, copy the output from terminal, save it to a file, and name it something like b4_up8_to_5.22 so you can reinstall whatever pkgs you need to after. Hit Enter and type in your password when asked. I didn't have luck using discover either, as I also got some warnings, but in my case it was about the pkg kde-plasma-desktop being removed. I was finally able to do it via konsole, then I reinstalled the missing pkgs from a TTY, which you probably will need to do too. Write down what you need to do; commands to run, pkgs you'll need to reinstall in a piece of paper, or take a screenshot and save it in your phone or some other device ...  because after reboot you'll probably get no desktop, so you need to be prepared ahead of it. You could post the file b4_up8_to_5.22 here, so we can take a look and tell you which pkgs you'll need to reinstall.


#17 2021-10-14 17:52

Registered: 2021-08-07
Posts: 51

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

I did the sudo apt full-upgrade but have not re-booted the computer. It gave me quite a list of programs that were removed:

The following packages will be REMOVED:
 kde-plasma-desktop kinfocenter kscreen libkpmcore10 lookswitcher-plasma plasma-desktop
 plasma-plasmoids-presentwindows plasma-plasmoids-tiledmenu plasma-themes-yeyushengfan plasma-widgets-addons
 powerdevil q4os-chrome q4os-debonaire-plasma-theme q4os-desktop q4os-desktop-plasma q4os-firefox-esr
 q4os-ipcodecs q4os-libreoffice q4os-updater q4os-vlc sddm-theme-breeze sddm-theme-debian-breeze thunderbird-q4

So I need to re-install these, right? Si I type at the TTY:

sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop kinfocenter kscreen libkpmcore10 lookswitcher-plasma plasma-desktop
 plasma-plasmoids-presentwindows plasma-plasmoids-tiledmenu plasma-themes-yeyushengfan plasma-widgets-addons
 powerdevil q4os-chrome q4os-debonaire-plasma-theme q4os-desktop q4os-desktop-plasma q4os-firefox-esr
 q4os-ipcodecs q4os-libreoffice q4os-updater q4os-vlc sddm-theme-breeze sddm-theme-debian-breeze thunderbird-q4

Once these are installed I type sudo systemctl reboot and click enter.

Is this right? Am I on the right track?


#18 2021-10-15 02:19

Registered: 2019-10-06
Posts: 487

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

SteveM wrote:

I did the sudo apt full-upgrade but have not re-booted the computer. It gave me quite a list of programs that were removed:

The following packages will be REMOVED:
 kde-plasma-desktop kinfocenter kscreen libkpmcore10 lookswitcher-plasma plasma-desktop
 plasma-plasmoids-presentwindows plasma-plasmoids-tiledmenu plasma-themes-yeyushengfan plasma-widgets-addons
 powerdevil q4os-chrome q4os-debonaire-plasma-theme q4os-desktop q4os-desktop-plasma q4os-firefox-esr
 q4os-ipcodecs q4os-libreoffice q4os-updater q4os-vlc sddm-theme-breeze sddm-theme-debian-breeze thunderbird-q4

So I need to re-install these, right? Si I type at the TTY:

sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop kinfocenter kscreen libkpmcore10 lookswitcher-plasma plasma-desktop
 plasma-plasmoids-presentwindows plasma-plasmoids-tiledmenu plasma-themes-yeyushengfan plasma-widgets-addons
 powerdevil q4os-chrome q4os-debonaire-plasma-theme q4os-desktop q4os-desktop-plasma q4os-firefox-esr
 q4os-ipcodecs q4os-libreoffice q4os-updater q4os-vlc sddm-theme-breeze sddm-theme-debian-breeze thunderbird-q4

Once these are installed I type sudo systemctl reboot and click enter.

Is this right? Am I on the right track?

Yes, you're on the right track, however, I suggest you follow bin's instructions, … 500#p21500 in the second command in that comment, add the other pkgs you need, i.e. plasma-themes-yeyushengfan.


#19 2021-10-15 03:57

Registered: 2021-08-07
Posts: 51

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

Thank you for all your help. Its working great! Looks great -- very responsive. I'm really happy with it. In a response from Q4OS last month … 259#p21259

They confirmed trying to mount Google Drive was an issue, and it was added to the bug list. I had hoped it would have been resolved in these upgrades, but it hasn't. I have Linuxmint on my main driver, and it's very easy to mount Google Drive. You don't have to keep messing with it every time you log on.

Other than this, everything else is great!



#20 2021-10-15 04:48

Registered: 2019-10-06
Posts: 487

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

SteveM wrote:

Thank you for all your help. Its working great! Looks great -- very responsive. I'm really happy with it. In a response from Q4OS last month … 259#p21259

They confirmed trying to mount Google Drive was an issue, and it was added to the bug list. I had hoped it would have been resolved in these upgrades, but it hasn't. I have Linuxmint on my main driver, and it's very easy to mount Google Drive. You don't have to keep messing with it every time you log on.

Other than this, everything else is great!


Glad it worked. Yes, Plasma's version 5.22.5 is a great release, and soon we'll get via Preining's repo 5.23 smile  I don't use Google Drive, but a quick search returned this … e-manager/ so you might try and see if it works for you.


#21 2021-10-15 16:11

Registered: 2021-08-07
Posts: 51

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

Looks like there are some nice packages in Preining's repo 5.23.

Thanks for the link to kio-gdrive article. I'll give that a try.

Kio-Drive isn't working for me.

Last edited by SteveM (2021-10-15 18:25)


#22 2021-10-16 14:08

Registered: 2019-10-06
Posts: 487

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

SteveM wrote:

Looks like there are some nice packages in Preining's repo 5.23.

Thanks for the link to kio-gdrive article. I'll give that a try.

Kio-Drive isn't working for me.

Yes, Plasma 5.23 is here!


Too bad the kio-drive thing didn't work. Sometime ago I used to use this and as far as I can remember, Google Drive worked. Just download the .deb from here and install via konsole with

sudo apt install ./polo-file-manager-v18.8.2-amd64.deb

EDIT: I just downloaded and installed Polo, however, the cloud storage feature doesn't seem to work anymore. Sorry.

Last edited by Tolkem (2021-10-16 14:31)


#23 2022-04-14 09:03

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,378

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

Just a refresh on this - the latest 5.24 debs are now available … or-debian/  despite his saying he wasn't going to do it any more. Just note that they are not getting quite the same level of testing on his side due to not using Debina any more.

Starting from a clean Gemini Plasma it was just a case of adding the key and .list file, update, upgrade, reboot, full-upgrade, reboot and all is just fine. It feels a lot quicker than 5.20 for sure.


#24 2022-05-05 18:45

Registered: 2019-10-06
Posts: 487

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

Plasma 5.24.5 is available as well as kde gears 22.04 … or-debian/


#25 2022-07-20 11:09

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,378

Re: Install updated Plasma on Gemini/Bullseye

Plasma 5.25.3 is now up … te-2022-7/

Last edited by bin (2022-07-20 11:10)


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