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I can't seem to find any settings to use k3b to write a usb stick, is this possible?
As far as we know, it's not possible to directly write from k3b to USB drive, see for example , the last post is from Sep 03, 2016
Ok thanks guys, I was just researching the best way to write a usb from q4os (and linux in general) to create a UEFI bootable CD/DVD/USB stick using a GUI for my next tutorial page. So far I only have a CLI solution that works without issue, although that could probably be enough as Linux users in general are happy to use the command line and a new Windows convert would want the Windows GUI to create the usb initially.
As far as we know, there is no Linux gui tool to directly write UEFI bootable hybrid iso into an USB drive. Linux versions of Rufus nor unetbootin probably can't do that so far.
I think it is not currently possible, and will go with CLI instructions for linux. Thanks
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