Please donate

We kindly ask you to help us develop the perfect operating system for everyday use. Please choose an amount to donate via PayPal or Debit/Credit card:

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We can also receive donations with cryptocurrencies:
Bitcoin: bc1qmym7dxgvx59xptlp4rnkynaruc6m5q2cp92q39
Ethereum: 0xcC8CAA238B34d98211F3CB5b4ceEBB9CF86e54d6

How much should I give ?

The donations we receive range from a single dollar to a several of hundreds. The important thing for people is to give something, and for us it's to generate the income, that will let us work and succeed on this project, month after month. If you want to help, and if you can do so, please make a donation to the project and encourage others to do so.

Why donate money ?

Q4OS is free of cost and doesn't generate any direct sort of income. It is funded by advertising, sponsoring and donations and although it is financially supported by its own community of users, its ambition is to compete with projects which are backed by large companies such as Microsoft, Apple, RedHat, Novell and Canonical.

How is the money used ?

The money is used to finance the needs of the distribution, to pay for hosting, to advertise on other websites, to purchase equipment and to fund the work of the people behind it.