Latest News

08 July, 2024

Q4OS 5.5 Aquarius

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03 May, 2023

Q4OS 4.12 Gemini

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Report bugs

Please report bugs at our Bug report tracker. You are welcome to submit a proposals for Q4OS improvements or new features as well.

Administer our projects

We are searching for Q4OS subprojects administrators and developers. Q4OS tools, Lookswitcher, Firefox and MX tools for Debian, and many other interesting projects are waiting for you. Just choose. If you are effective, your work becomes salaried.

Provide applications installers

We invite everyone to create new, or maintain current various application installers at our Github repository. You get full support and a web space for your work and public downloads, so Q4OS users can easily find and install your applications.

Develop custom applications

Please read developer manuals in the Documents section first. We offer the complete support for independent developers via e-mail or our forum.

Join the team

If you would like to help us, contribute or participate anyhow in the development of Q4OS ecosystem, contact us at