Easy way to create custom application installer, developer manual, rev. 10/2023

Easy way to create custom application installer

developer manual

1. Introduction
2. Create a sample application
3. Build installer
4. Extract installer

1. Introduction

This document describes, how to create Q4OS self-extracting convenient installer for your own applications, files and directory structure. This procedure will create both '*.deb' file for manual installation with 'dpkg' command, and '*.qsi' fully automated, convenient installer. The installer will flawlessly install and deliver an application or set of files to Q4OS users.

Before we can proceed to create the first simple application, you need to install Q4OS Development Pack from repositories:

$ sudo apt install q4os-devpack-base

2. Create a sample application

We will create some custom files and directory structure first, it will represent an application. Run commands in terminal to create working directory and application files, you can use cut and 'shift-insert' paste into the terminal:

$ mkdir -p $HOME/my-appdir
$ cd $HOME/my-appdir
$ echo -e '#!/bin/sh\nkdialog --msgbox "Hello World"' > my-app.sh
$ echo -e 'install:\n\tcp my-app.sh /usr/bin/application.exu' > Makefile
$ chmod a+x my-app.sh

Newly created directory structure represents our application. Let's go to build the installer now.

3. Build installer

Copy the predefined configuration file for the installer. The configuration file is well documented and can be adjusted later to customize installer:

$ cp /program_files/q4os-devpack/appsetup/q4os_setup.cfg.sample $HOME/my-appdir/installer.cfg

Finally generate installer:

$ cd $HOME/my-appdir
$ SHOWDEBDIALOG=1 dash /program_files/q4os-devpack/bin/create_q4app_setup.sh installer.cfg

Comfortable Q4OS installer will be generated automatically, answer 'Yes' to 'Open installer location ?' question, when process finishes. You can now proceed testing installation of your application double-clicking 'setup_*.qsi' file.

Upload and publish generated .qsi installer somewhere on the Internet, Q4OS users will be happy for easy setup of your application.

To remove the installed application, run:

$ sudo apt remove application

4. Extract installers

Extracting and looking into a compiled installer is easy. Copy the installer file into some working directory and run to extract its content in this directory:

$ sh /usr/bin/xqtrsetups

Easy way to create custom application installer, developer manual, rev. 10/2023